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About Us

We Are Creative And Professional Makers

Advika Creations India's journey is an inspiring tale of transformation. It all began when the founder, previously occupied with her husband's job and raising kids, found herself with spare time once her children began attending school. What started as a mere hobby gradually blossomed into something more significant, as her creations garnered immense appreciation from those around her. The demand for her work grew steadily, urging her to consider turning her passion into a business.

However, it was during a period of financial hardship caused by her husband's job loss that she took the bold step to fully embrace her creative endeavor. In 2017, Advika Creations India was officially founded, marking the beginning of a journey filled with determination, hard work, and innovation. Over the course of six years, the company has overcome challenges and celebrated successes, evolving into a prominent business that continues to capture the hearts of customers.

The story of Advika Creations India exemplifies the power of pursuing one's passions, adapting to change, and transforming adversity into opportunity.

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